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Respite Care

Respite Care is care provided as temporary replacement of a live-in caregiver. Our Respite Care program can give you peace of mind to travel, while we care for your family member.


????? has a program that provides payment for short-term respite at Viking Manor.  Eligible participants may receive up to 7 days of respite care per calendar year paid for by ?????. 

Eligible participants should tour our facility and find out if the days they want are available.  Admission requirements for the adult home include:

• Our medical evaluation form completed by primary physician
• Prescriptions for all medications including supplements and OTC for chart
• Mental health evaluation & attachments A&B (if history of mental illness)
• Recent PPD results

Private respite and additional days of care are available for a fee.

Respite participants should bring:

• Clothing marked with care receiver’s name
• Medications and supplements listed on physical
• Toiletries
• If desired – television, photos, sealed snacks, pillow

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